The summer months are best, with a pool right in your backyard. However, before you can toe-dip a cannonball or swan-dive to the bottom of the pool, it’s best to make some preparations. To prepare you and your backyard to have the perfect pool, we contacted three experts to discuss the details of the first step (choosing the right liner!) to the opening day (pool floating).
“Whether the pool you have is 10″x 10 or 25 100′ 100″, the components to build pools are similar,” says interior designer Jenn Feldman. A few of the factors they recommend you to think about before diving in include the size, depth, and location of your yard, as well as the amount of sun exposure it will receive, not to mention if it is a worthwhile investment for your property and the possibility that “you could fit the Bobcat back into your yard to perform tasks such as digging, pouring and tile-laying.”
Process: What goes into creating a Pool
In the next section, you’ll discover the essential steps you’ll have to follow to set up an outdoor pool. The entire process could take a long time from beginning to end, so be prepared.
Form a group.
It is impossible to build an entire pool on your own; thus, a team that will help you get the job done right is crucial. Marmol Radziner, the founder of the famous Design-Build firm based in Los Angeles, states, “To design and construct the pool, you can hire an expert pool builder or hire an architect who can assist you in creating the pool and allowing it to be constructed and then hire an experienced pool contractor to build it.”
You may consider installing an inground swimming pool for summer, but here are a few key things you need to consider before you build one. Locating your pool in an ideal spot is essential, ensuring it catches sunlight, is protected from wind gusts, and is far away from potential flooding areas. Also important are familiarizing yourself with local zoning rules and obtaining any required permits to ensure a successful installation process.
Explore best practices for pool placement, comply with safety regulations, and create a backyard oasis to enhance your summer experience. Comprehending these factors will assist in making informed decisions during the journey of purchasing an inground swimming pool.
Think about what you’ll use the pool to do.
Are you using it for laps or exercises? Engaging the children and family? Increasing resale value? More aesthetics? All of these factors determine the design of your pool. Consider them before you meet with your group.
Check regional codes and restrictions.
For instance, In California, “You have to keep your pool at least 5 feet away from the property line,” says Feldman; however, the distance is greater across other states (or even certain counties). There are plenty of factors to consider before setting the location of your pool; this is particularly important in the case of homes with historic construction or that have been flipped. This will all affect the final design of the pool: “A couple of inches or a foot make an enormous difference.”
Smartly utilize your space.
Make sure to let an adobe or unusually-shaped yard deter you from it. Feldman informs HB that there are many ways to utilize space effectively, including modifying your landscaping design. “Certain trees, or even plants like bamboo, may be so deeply embedded that they could make it difficult to construct a pool.
If you decide to go with more linear plants, like ficus trees and ficus trees, you can construct a larger pool and still create an appealing vertical look with lush plants,” she explains. The moral of the story? Tightening your garden could be worthwhile to ensure a healthy pool.